Titania’s Song – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The next step on from the Jukebox Journal is to write a song from the character’s perspective, using their quotes or quotes about them. This can be difficult for Shakespearian language, but if it helps you to remember the quotes, it’s worth it!

The following song is written almost entirely of quotes, to the music and lyrics of ‘Titanium’ by David Guetta feat. Sia). I selected quotes from the scenes where Titania is upset at Oberon for cheating on her with Hyppolyta, and her fairy entourage helps her to keep unwanted intruders at bay. In effect, this is a ‘girl power’ song (Italics are fairies singing). Titanium’s original lyrics about being ‘bulletproof’ reflect the sentiment Titania may feel when her fairies support her.


Jealous Ob’ron,
I know I must be thy lady.
Forsworn thy bed, thy company.
Fairies skip hence: the forgeries of jealousy;
Thou hast stol’n away from fairy land.

Not for thy, fairy kingdom rule,
Fairies away, fairies away.
We’ll chide downright, if I stay.
Fairies away, fairies away
You spotted snakes, with double tongue;
I am Titania.
Newts and blind-worms, do no wrong.
I am Titania.

Dance in our round;
Thou hast disturb’d our sport with thy brawls.
Thy mistress, thy warr’ior love
To Theseus, must be wedded, and you come
To give their bed joy and prosperity.

Weaving spiders, come not here;
Fairies away, fairies away.
Beetles black, approach not near;
Fairies away, fairies away.
Hence, you long-legg’d spinners, hence!
I am Titania.
Worm nor snail, do no offence.
I am Titania.
I am Titania.
I am Titania.

Good night, with lullaby;
So, come our lovely lady nigh.
To our offices; let her rest.
Never harm, Nor spell nor charm
I am Titania

Never harm, Nor spell nor charm;
I am Titania
Thorny hedgehogs, be not seen;
I am Titania.
Come not near our fairy queen.
I am Titania

Come not near our fairy queen.
I am Titania
I am Titania

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