Are Teachers like Personal Trainers?

This was the least suss image I could find for 'personal trainer'.
This was the least suss image I could find for ‘personal trainer‘. There were some doozies I wouldn’t put alongside an article on ‘teaching’.

Personal trainers:

  • help clients set challenging goals
  • provide tailored exercise regimes while running a group activity
  • model correct technique, behaviour and attitude
  • inspire, encourage, motivate using both gentle and assertive attitudes
  • occasionally reprimand, but predominantly make clients accountable
  • use a variety of exercises, skills, drills and techniques to achieve overall objectives
  • gradually increase the difficulty of the exercises
  • keep records of progress
  • can perform exercises alongside the client
  • ‘spot’ for risky or intimidating exercises
  • have a range of equipment and resources to suit all abilities
  • run exercises in formal and informal settings, inside, outside
  • can’t do the exercise for the client
  • do a great job when their clients feel like they did it themselves
  • thank clients at the end of the session and inform them of the next class’s activities
  •  enable clients to continue exercising without their help, but continue to add value when clients come to a session

Are there any elements of the the personal training profession teachers can imitate, steal or reappropriate?

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