- Gundlach, H. A. D., Slemp, G. R., & Hattie, J. (2024). A Meta-analysis of the Antecedents of Teacher Turnover and Retention. Educational Research Review, 44(100606).
- Gundlach, H. A. D. (2023). Sustaining English teachers in their work: the role of job crafting. Australian Journal of English Education, 58(2), 18-33.
- Gundlach, H. A. D. (2022). Factors Related to Teacher Turnover from Schools and the Profession: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Survey, [PhD Thesis, The University of Melbourne].
- Gundlach, H. A. D. (2015). Supporting Assessment Rubric Writing Competency through Quality Criterion Referenced Rubrics, [Masters Thesis, The University of Melbourne].
- Gundlach, H. A. D., & Neville, B. A. (2012). Authenticity: Further theoretical and practical development, Journal of Brand Management, 19(6), (March), 484-499.
- Gundlach, H. A. D. (2007). Packaging Authenticity in the Premium Beer Market, [Honours Thesis, The University of Melbourne].
- Gundlach, H. (2024). Teachers on screen database, a dynamic repository featuring over 1,500 fictional teachers from more than 750 films and television programs. It is continually updated with comprehensive profiles of the teachers, school contexts, and text metadata. https://doi.org/10.26188/25392106
- Gundlach, H. (2024). Representation Matters: VCE Literature and English Project, a dynamic repository of texts from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Association’s English and Literature set textlists for senior level studies from 2000-2025. The database features over 550 distinct novels, plays, short story anthologies, poetry collections, films and other texts. It includes comprehensive profiles of the texts’ characters, settings, and themes, as well as authors’ demographic profiles and text metadata. https://doi.org/10.26188/26231102
- Teacher perceptions of quality criterion referenced rubrics in practice, Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 2020, 28 (3), 64-75.
- Beyond the text response essay: Alternative writing tasks, Literacy Learning: The Middle Years, 2020, 28 (2), 63-69.
- Would you like a career with that? ACEL Perspectives, 2024, 16-17.
- Fit for Leadership: Sports coaching theory for team development, Australian Educational Leader, 2024, 46(2), 36-39.
- Ins and outs: Reimagining teachers’ employment, Australian Educational Leader, 2024, 46(1), 54-57.
- Mentoring to retain early career teachers, Australian Educational Leader, 2023, 45(1), 39-41.
- Rethinking teacher turnover in Australian schools, Australian Educational Leader, 2023, 45(2), 34-36.
- Workload and wellbeing the key to a sustainable English teacher workforce, Idiom, 2024, 60(1), 67-71.
- Becoming a teacher-researcher, Idiom, 2023, 59(3), 53-55.
- From audit to plaudit: Balancing your textlist, Idiom, 2023, 59(2) 45-48.
- Meaningful meetings, Idiom, 2022, 58(1), 37-40.
- An Internship Approach to Initial Teacher Education, (Ed.), Idiom, 2021, 57(3), 25-26.
- Supporting early career English teachers during and after initial teacher education, Idiom, 2021, 57(3), 14-17.
- Review: Research skills for teachers, Idiom, 2018, 54(3), 46.
- What initial teacher educators can do to reduce early career teacher attrition, Idiom, 2018, 54(3), 16-20.
- Writing Better Rubrics, Idiom, 2018, 54(1), 43-46.
- Contributing Editor, Idiom, 2015, 51(2), ‘Paradigm Lost’.
- What if teachers adopted another profession’s perspective?, Idiom, 2015, 51(2), 36-37.
- Review: Shavings – A Collection of short, short stories, Idiom, 2015, 51(1).
- Review: Successful English 1&2 2nd Ed, Idiom, 2014, 50(1).
- The Power of Genetics, A Context Study of People and Power in GATTACA, Idiom, 2014, 49(2), 60-62.
- Editor and contributor, vox, Issues 1 – 5, 2018 – 2019. Selected articles include:
- Leading discussion, 2019, 2(2), 12.
- New to a school, new to teaching, 2019, 2(1), 11.
- How does personality affect learning style? 2019, 2(1), 9.
- Questioning techniques: what are you really asking? 2018, 1(3), 21.
- Behaviour management: all clear, 2018, 1(3), 17-18.
- English in marketing, 2018, 1(3), 7-8.
- End of year ideas, 2018, 1(3), 6.
- Women have finally achieved parity on VCE English reading lists, but there are fewer classics, 30 January 2025.
- A new database of teachers on screen shows they are often portrayed as rule-breakers, losers or villains, 23 November 2023.
- We won’t solve the teacher shortage until we answer these 4 questions, 5 May 2023.
- Higher salaries might attract teachers but pay isn’t one of the top 10 reasons for leaving, 28 February 2022.
- How to avoid ‘death by PowerPoint’, Pursuit, The University of Melbourne, 28 December, 2024.
- Do on-screen teachers help or hinder real-life recruitment, Pursuit, The University of Melbourne, 12 December 2023.
- Patching the right holes to retain Australian teachers, Pursuit, The University of Melbourne, 26 April 2023.
- Jukebox Journal, Vision Magazine, 2017, 28 (1), 32.
- ‘Risk versus reward: learning outside the classroom’, Education Matters (Primary), 2025, (March), 31-32.
- ‘Real versus reel: Lessons learnt from teachers on screen‘, Education Matters (Secondary), 2024, (April), 55.
- ‘Rethinking data‘, Education Matters (Primary), 2024, (February), 52-53.
- ‘Dynamic career pathways may be the key to teacher retention‘, Education Matters (Secondary), 2023, (April), 53. (& Online version)
- What I learned from my first AARE conference, EduResearch Matters, 16 December, 2024.
- What I learned from being an ABC media expert for two weeks, EduResearch Matters, 10 October, 2024.
- Fight! How video games can power up learning now, EduResearchMatters, 1 July, 2024.
- Leaders: Could we please just get this done quickly? EduResearchMatters, 19 October, 2023.
Media Citations
- Marchese, D. Have TV and movies doomed the future of teaching? Triple J ‘Hack’, (Radio Interview) (@17:20), 28 November 2023.
- Kendall, J. ABC Victoria ‘Mornings’ , (Radio Interview) (Download Recording @1:04:25), 27 November 2023.
- Dunkley, L. ABC Weekend Breakfast News, (TV Interview), 25 November 2023.
- Ryan, M. The best (and worst) ways school leaders can retain teachers, 23 November 2023.
- Duggan, S. ‘Luck of the draw’: why placements make or break preservice teachers, 28 April 2023.
- Duggan, S. Teachers who thrive don’t stay in one school, 5 May 2023.
- EdHQ, Stacked VATE calendar offers English teachers options, 28 August 2018.
- Henebery, B. Will cash payments entice more people into the role of teaching? The Educator Australia, 11 May 2022
- Sparks, S. Fictional Teachers on TV Can Skew Public Perception, Education Week, 4 October 2024.
- ‘Where’s the work experience?’, November 19, 2010.
- ‘Still Foxing’, January 29, 2010.
- ‘Training the next generation’, November 12, 2010.
- ‘Carltonsberg? The importance of brand authenticity’, November, 2010.
- Behind the scenes of Shakespeare Day, March 22, 2022.