Australian Council for Educational Leaders National Conference, Brisbane
- Meaningful meetings: Enhancing your team and your leadership, 2023
- Interview, Teachers’ Education Review Podcast, 2023

Australian Council for Educational Leaders National Conference, Sydney
Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Sydney
- Lights, Camera, Attr/Action! Can Positive Media Portrayals Save the Teaching Profession? Conference Poster, Dec, 2024.

- Early Career Teacher well-being and retention,
- The University of Melbourne, 2018, 2019.
- Australian Catholic University, 2018, 2019.
- Swinburne University, 2019.
- Monash University, 2018.
- HTAV/VATE Early Career Teacher Event, 2018.
- Leadership Conference
- Developing Early career teachers, 2024.
- Sustaining your team: English teachers’ workload and wellbeing, 2023.
- Meaningful Meetings, 2019.
- Panel Chair, ‘Creating sustainable, positive change’, 2018.
- ‘The Mini-MBA’, 2018.
- Middle Years Conference
- ‘Assessment alternatives: The authentic writing folio’, 2019.
- Panel Chair, ‘Get in the Good Books’, 2018.
- State Conference
- English teacher workload and wellbeing, 2023.
- ‘Writing Better Rubrics’, 2017, 2018.
- ‘How are you travelling?’ Panel discussion, State Conference, 2014.
- ‘The Gruen Teacher: Creative Classroom Ideas’, Early Career Teachers’ Conference, 2014, 2015.

- Teacher wellbeing, workload, turnover and retention presentations (various), 2020, 2021, 2022.

- Pivot Professional Learning, Next Steps: Teacher Wellbeing Webinar, 2020.

- Australian Association for the Teaching of English (AATE) National Conference, 2019.
- Essay alternatives: The authentic writing folio.

- Australian Literacy Educators’ Association (ALEA) National Conference, 2019.
- The authentic writing portfolio: An assessment alternative.

- What schools need to know about protecting teachers from burnout and helping them flourish, Conference poster, 2019.

- Using Videogame Design Principles to Level Up Learning, 2024.
- Sliding right out of your BMs: A slide-free classroom, 2023.
- (Media interview) How to avoid ‘Death by PowerPoint’, This Working Life, ABC, 6 Sep, 2024.
- Ethics in VCE Accounting, Workshop, Comview Conference, 2022.

- Cross Cultural Theory: From Tourist to Traveller, 2016.
- John Hughes: The 80’s Comedy Auteur, 2013.
- Movie Musicals!, 2012.
- John Hughes: The 80’s Comedy Auteur, 2012.

- Developmental Rubrics, 2017, 2015.
- Level Up your Schoolbox, 2017, 2016
- Cross Cultural Frameworks, 2017, 2016, 2015.
- Boston School Visit Insights, 2017.
- Mindfulness and Change Agency, 2016.

- Developmental Rubrics Presentation to English Faculty, Boston MA, 2017.

- Panel Chair, Advertising and Copywriting, 2018.

- Featured Address, ‘Library, Literature and Literacy: Collaboration with English Faculty’, School Librarians Association of Victoria (SLAV) Conference, 2018.
Faculty of Education, The University of Melbourne
- Panellist, Finding Communities and Sharing Research in a Changing Digital Landscape, Early Career Academic Event, 2024.
- Representation Matters: Stories the media are hungry for, Faculty of Education Research Conference, 2024.
- Writing for The Conversation, Faculty of Education Workshop, 2024.
- Teacher Turnover: A theoretical model, Faculty of Education Research Conference, 2023.
- Attraction and Retention: A two pronged approach, Presentation to Department of Education and Training, Strengthening Teachers Innovation Forum, 2020.
- Business Studies Guest Lecture, 2019, 2018.
- Master of Teaching Applicant Advice Evening, 2017.
- Teaching Fellow and Clinical Specialist In-service, 2013.

- Judge, Ethel Bage Memorial Debate, 2013, 2012.
- ‘Marketing and CSR’, Lecture to Marketing Communications students, 2013.
Faculty of Business and Economics
Department of Management and Marketing
- Honours Information Evening, 2009, 2008.
Melbourne University Sport
- Team of the Year Summary, Blues Dinner, 2007.

- Marketing Industry Seminar, ‘The Future of Marketing’, presentation to Monash Marketing Students Society, 2013.
- MINDS Steps to Success: ‘Psychometric testing’ (3 sessions), presentation to Monash Marketing Students Society, 2012.

- A 21st Century English Curriculum, Presentation to English Faculty, 2018.

- ‘Reflections on the Mentor-Candidate relationship’, Melbourne Graduate School of Education Information Session, 2013.

- ‘The future of Marketing: Opportunities for Gen Y’, presentation to Deakin Commerce Society, 2012