Category: Psychology

  • Perspective – What diary do you use?

    I’ve just started another semester of teaching and studying so I have been filling in the semester’s assignment due dates, social occasions and running races. It struck me that the style of diary one uses (or prefers) could have a big impact on how you perceive time, and even day to day life. I have…

  • Right On Queue

    I’ve just returned from a month travelling overseas (lucky me!) and while travel is amazing, it does involve a lot of waiting (albeit in exotic locations). In all the time queuing for planes, trains, buses, museums, train tickets, post office etc., I thought about the many ways queuing could be improved in service organisations. 1.…

  • Shoes off! – Equalising

      I spoke to a First Aid trainer who trains large corporate groups and she said that while suggested for ‘comfort’ reasons, getting students to remove their shoes to do the exercises breaks down the hierarchical barriers between colleagues and personal defences between student and teacher. I have found in teaching that when trying to…