Category: Physical Evidence

  • The Power of Proximity

    The Power of Proximity

    I remember reading a quote from a business leader who when asked where he believed the best business ideas were, replied “Bankruptcy files”. He felt that many successful business ideas could be found in businesses that failed, simply because it might have been the case that the market wasn’t ready for that business yet or they…

  • What is the best promotional product for your business?

    Regularly included with Marketing magazine and B&T magazine are brochures for promotional products that can be custom made with your business’ logo, colour scheme etc. There are all manner of cool knick knacks, and plenty of stock standard things like bags, shirts and boring stationery items. From my experiences at expos, conferences and far too…

  • Luxury feels good (and heavy!)

    Luxury goods are very popular in Italy, particularly shoes, clothing and handbags. When I was in Florence I was fortunate enough to stay in an apartment that had been recently renovated so I had my first interaction with Bang & Olufsen audio-visual products.   Apart from looking like something from the set of Doctor Who,…