Category: Marketing

  • Right On Queue

    I’ve just returned from a month travelling overseas (lucky me!) and while travel is amazing, it does involve a lot of waiting (albeit in exotic locations). In all the time queuing for planes, trains, buses, museums, train tickets, post office etc., I thought about the many ways queuing could be improved in service organisations. 1.…

  • What marketers can learn from markets

    The Queen Victoria Market is reflective of many FMCG markets because it is a competitive and congested space with multiple vendors offering near identical products at near identical prices. Vendors have the same physical space to use and simialr opening hours and traffic levels, yet some stalls are still more successful than others. What then,…

  • Op Shops

    I was devastated recently when the Kensington Salvo’s closed down. I love all Op Shops, but this one was particularly good because I often run out of places to go for my daily walk on my lunch break and this Op Shop had such high turnover that practically each day one could go there and…