Category: Marketing

  • The 7 Virtues – An explanation

    Wow, what a long break between posts. Apologies. An inquisitive mind is essential because marketing is about persuasion and manipulation.Inquisitive minds seek to understand how things work, how to influence outcomes and  alter systems. Inquisitive minds don’t accept things the way they are. They ask what, where, why, how, when, will…? Marketers sell products, yes, but they…

  • The 7 virtues of a brilliant marketer

    I have been lucky enough to attend several entrepreneurship pitch and networking events over the past few weeks. After seeing some great ideas and listening to inspiring speeches, I have been mentally compiling a list of the virtues of a brilliant marketer. Here is my list so far: An inquisitive mind  Interested in people and…

  • Learning to say ‘No’ – Stretching the Brand

    The final episode of Series 10 of Red Dwarf concluded tonight, and in my humble opinion (as a dedicated fan of Series 1 – 8) it was a sorry end to a miserable continuation of a beloved franchise. Series 9 started jumping the shark with its overuse of CG and self referencing. In television ‘jumping…