Category: Education

  • Does your job affect the way you see the world?

    I was reading about the phenomenon known as “déformation professionelle”, the tendency to look at things from the perspective of your profession’s conventions. This can be a strength or a weakness depending on the scenario and the profession of course. I immediately thought of an acquaintance of mine who is an auditor and definitely carries…

  • One percenters

    When I have done sports coaching, no matter what the standard I have been keen to draw attention to ‘one percenters’, all the potentially trivial little things you can do in a game to make yourself a better player but that don’t always pay off. I’ve found that really reaching out to stop a centre…

  • Professionalism

    I recently had to have some documents verified and this can only be done by certain professions, such as Pharmacist, Lawyer, Bank manager, Police Officer, Vet, School Principal etc. I find it interesting that some positions hold more prestige and esteem over others. In this context a professional is someone who holds a position of…