Category: Education

  • Metaphors for our work

    The brass at HQ have set a bold strategic plan but they haven’t been to the front in a long time, if ever. You’re not sure you have the resources to complete the mission but you’ve been assigned your platoon and are on the way to the landing point. Half your troops shouldn’t have passed…

  • Diagnostics – How are we travelling?

    This is your Captain speaking. I’ve flown a plane twice in my life, and it was so long ago I can’t remember if this is true or not, but I’m pretty sure cockpit diagnostic dials are set up in such a way that if everything is normal, the needle should be sitting vertically on most…

  • Halo

    To the music and lyrics of “Hello” by The Cat Empire                       Walking down the street Plasma rifle at my side Cortana’s hints in my head to do the mission and survive On my head a bitchin’ helmet Yellow visor on my face Was drivin’ round in…