Category: Education

  • Mash Up or Mish Mash? High performing teams

    I love a good Mash Up, where a new, distinct product is created from the best parts of two or more popular songs. The songs are frequently different in genre: a ballad and heavy metal; rap and classical; pop and country; yet the final product can be a slick, catchy song in its own right. Check out…

  • Classroom 2.0

    A friend of mine is a student teacher at an ‘iPad only’ school which is quite progressive. It made me wonder whether there will be a day when pen and paper are things of the past. At least as long as exams and tests must be handwritten, I think there should be some handwritten class…

  • Be a Tourist in your own city

    Princes Bridge is one of the few places in Melbourne I frequent where I ever see tourists in Melbourne. In Sydney and many other cities in the world tourists are noticeably everywhere; public transport, city squares, parks etc., but the river and Arts Precinct of Melbourne the only place that I feel comes close to the…