Category: Learning

  • Puck you, Miss! Ice Hockey and Teaching

    There’s nothing better than being a learner again to help your teaching. I’ve just started an Intro to Ice Hockey program and the steep learning curve has reminded me what it’s like to be a beginner at something! There was a mix of brilliant and not so brilliant pedagogy. Here are some of the insights…

  • Unlearning

    Tonight was the launch of the Cadbury AFL 9s Touch Football season. My team and I are playing tomorrow night, but I happened to pass another competition on a walk and stopped to watch some teams play this new hybrid of netball, touch football and AFL. The teams I watched were all male (mixed teams…

  • Be a Tourist in your own city

    Princes Bridge is one of the few places in Melbourne I frequent where I ever see tourists in Melbourne. In Sydney and many other cities in the world tourists are noticeably everywhere; public transport, city squares, parks etc., but the river and Arts Precinct of Melbourne the only place that I feel comes close to the…