Category: Design

  • The Power of Proximity

    The Power of Proximity

    I remember reading a quote from a business leader who when asked where he believed the best business ideas were, replied “Bankruptcy files”. He felt that many successful business ideas could be found in businesses that failed, simply because it might have been the case that the market wasn’t ready for that business yet or they…

  • Point of difference or Patent?

    Marketers seek points of difference to distinguish their products from competitors’ offerings, keep products from reaching maturity/decline and to deliver extra value through augmentations. More cynically, points of difference are a means of creating interest in a tired, mundane product, justifying a price premium or to keep staff busy! Having recently refreshed my Anaphylaxis, it seems…

  • Technology – Pencil vs Space pen

    There is a myth/story about NASA spending a fortune to develop  a pen that could be used in space i.e. the ink would still flow freely in zero gravity. (It features in an episode of Seinfeld.) The myth claims the Russians just used a pencil! Now that mobile phones are a fully fledged fashion item…