Category: Career

  • Are Teachers like Personal Trainers?

    Personal trainers: help clients set challenging goals provide tailored exercise regimes while running a group activity model correct technique, behaviour and attitude inspire, encourage, motivate using both gentle and assertive attitudes occasionally reprimand, but predominantly make clients accountable use a variety of exercises, skills, drills and techniques to achieve overall objectives gradually increase the difficulty of…

  • Metaphors for our work

    The brass at HQ have set a bold strategic plan but they haven’t been to the front in a long time, if ever. You’re not sure you have the resources to complete the mission but you’ve been assigned your platoon and are on the way to the landing point. Half your troops shouldn’t have passed…

  • Does your job affect the way you see the world?

    I was reading about the phenomenon known as “déformation professionelle”, the tendency to look at things from the perspective of your profession’s conventions. This can be a strength or a weakness depending on the scenario and the profession of course. I immediately thought of an acquaintance of mine who is an auditor and definitely carries…